Effects of Third Party Bill Payments
September 21, 2017
Dear Southside Water and Sewer Board Customers,
It has come to our attention that some of our customers are paying water bills through an online third party bill pay service.
If you have selected this option currently or in the past, please be aware that this is not an affiliate of Southside Water Works and Sewer Board. These webpages, most commonly "doxo.com," are not linked to your personal water account(s) and may take days to weeks to process payment.
Southside Water Works and Sewer Board will begin accepting online payments on Monday, October 2, 2017 through our website. Payments will be processed and applied to accounts instantly. Note that a service charge of $2.95 is attached to all online and/or credit/debit card payments.
Any and all correct information about Southside Water Works and Sewer Board is accessable through www.southsidewater.us.